Eliot Turns Two

Two years old already! Not just walking and talking, but singing, conversing, drawing, counting (to two), playing drums, laughing at my jokes, and running to hug me when I walk in the door. I thought having a two-year-old would make me feel old, but it’s like being a kid again. Happy birthday, Eliot!

Two years old!

One year old

One month old


    holy moley, they grow up so fast. congratulations and happy birthday [does he read the site, or just the feed?]

    Wow! He’s got even more cuuuuuuter! Happy Birthday Eliot!

    And as a side note: I have been reading your site for a long long time. Wow.

    That’s the truth. That sprint that turns into a hug is something everyone should be lucky enough to experience.

    Thomas the train is AWESOME. Eliot is getting so big so fast. Great pictures Andy. He should start soccer training. It’s only fitting– today is the start of the world cup.

    Happy Birthday Eliot!!! Wish we could be there. All our love & hugs,

    T and E and N and A and D and J and baby I

    My wife and I just had our first baby, Sofia, on April 27th. While the initial experience (like lack of sleep) makes me feel old, I can see how the experience of raising a child can make one feel like a kid again. I am look forward to the experience.

    Happy Birthday Eliot!!!

    Nice one, Happy Birthday Elliot.

    Our Flynn is 2 in August, and Thomas The Tank Engine is pretty popular in our house aswell 🙂


    Those photos killed me. Glad I could spend his big “2” with him. Hope we’ll all live closer one day. In the meantime, Grammy will just have to jump in the car to see my two babies (you and Eliot).

    What a cute kid! Nice choice in name, too (:

    Happy birthday! (Luckily, we’re only twenty years and three days apart, so we won’t be confused for one another.)

    I believe that’s actually Gordon the train, not Thomas. (Sorry, I lived through several years of corrections at the hands of my now 6 year old!) Happy belated birthday! What an adorable kid.

    I’ve looked at this kid’s cute mug everyday when I check the links for a month now and this is the first time I noticed he was holding Thomas. So much for my career as a detective!

    knowing you andy…all he really needs to know is “0”s and “1”s. what a cute kid!

    happy birthday Eliot,

    congragulation Waxy, you have a cute kid..

    like mine, our kids always look cheerfull, even when I feel bad at work, after come home and see my one year daughter, I always start smiling at her..

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