Five Years of Waxy

I started this blog five years ago today with a basic idea: keep it original and keep it relevant. Unfortunately, I left out “keep it updated.” As you can probably tell, Waxy is taking the back seat these days to other priorities, namely work and family. (I don’t even have the time to weed out comment spam.) I terribly miss the quirky form of investigative reporting I used to do and I certainly miss spending more time exploring the backroads of the web. I promise I’ll be back. In the meantime, the infrequent updates continue. Happy birthday, little blog!


    Happy birthday…can’t wait for you to find more time for blogging again. In the meantime we still have waxy links.

    my site’s been up for the same amount of time too.

    I’m updating mine less and less lately…and it seems just like a cost to me now…I’m really thinking about just auctioning it off and handing the keys to the hosting to someone else. Sad but I just don’t spend all that much time on the net doing anything constructive these days…a generic run-of-the-mill funny video and pic site.

    Why not allow a few close friends who also have an eye for intriguing pages and stories contribute to waxy links in order to keep the spirit of the blog alive? Just a thought.

    Maybe a redesign is in order. The links are still updated regularly, but they’re relegated to a sidebar. Kottke, for instance, just puts all the stuff in one column, and it doesn’t feel like the front page is old just content. Then you can sidebar the articles, so they are easy to find.

    I remember when I shut down for a while and you yelled at me. I won’t do the same. Heh.

    Bring! Waxy! Back!

    Happy birthday! (or is an anniversary?) Your original rules are still great and I try to run my site by them except I every now and again give into #2.

    I’m glad you’re packing not all in; I started reading your post there and thought it was a ‘farewell’ to blogging or something like that. Hurry back to posting. And Happy Birthday!

    Waxy – I am not sure you realise that you are your own brand through this blog. And its a brand more powerful than I think you realise. I agree with the fourth poster – less yahooing – more waxy. I reckon the rewards will follow.

    Waxy – I am not sure you realise that you are your own brand through this blog. And its a brand more powerful than I think you realise. I agree with the fourth poster – less yahooing – more waxy. I reckon the rewards will follow.

    Congratulations!! Five years are really a long time in the online world. Keep up writing articles for the next five years.

    OH, man, you have made my day, ages ago I watched the Nutragrain I feel great commercial. Then I lost it, then I found your site and bookmarked it. I still occasionally open the link and watch it over and over again. It never fails to crack me up. Thanks for keeping it up there!

    Hey does your Ascii art have anything to do with Fungi…Now I have to check that out…


    Glad to hear that – I’ve always a big fan; I helped research the pirated Oscar movies…


    By the way, who doesn’t know about the time problem? Bringing life family work … and webthings into little 24h a day

    Cheers, keep on rocking


    Been reading your linkroll for a long time. I’ve always enjoyed how you portray the internet’s. Take you time, but life is only gonna get busier.

    Thanks for all the tasty bits.

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