August 31, 2005
NYC subway flasher caught
— Flickr cameraphone photo that made NY Post front page leads to his capture #
The Onion redesigns, opens complete archives to all
— Khoi Vinh comments on his top-notch work on the redesign; the new archives go back to 1996 #
Lego Factory
— create and share digital Lego models, then buy custom-made kits of your designs (via) #
Credible rumors on the IM war
— Microsoft, Yahoo, and AOL may be conspiring against Google Talk in the IM space (via) #
Matt Haughey writing reviews for the New York Times
— I've always wanted to see my name in all-caps Times New Roman #
House of Cosbys, You See
I know it’s strange to break a two-month silence for something like this, but I don’t care. This is my blog, dammit, and I’ll rant about six-month-old memes if I want.
For the last few weeks at work, we’ve been obsessed with House of Cosbys. So obsessed that other departments are starting to worry about us; it’s consuming our lives. I first linked to it back in March, long before the recent legal threats from Cosby himself, so I don’t know why it’s taken this long to infiltrate our brains. (I suspect one too many late nights on a recent deadline is ultimately to blame.)
But it has, so I want to share some Cosbyana for other potential Cosby-heads out there. If you haven’t seen the first episode, watch the high-res House of Cosbys pilot before proceeding.
To kick off Cosby Fest 2005, I’m hosting the entire Bill Cosby Talks To Kids About Drugs album from 1971. Don’t miss “Dope Pusher,” a song about hard drugs sung/screamed by Cosby and a choir of kids, backed by some serious funk. Download it now.
I’m Web-Surfing Cosby, You See
Outtakes from the Curiosity Cosby recording sessions Amazing Cosby Team Triosby fan art one and two, from Episode 3 House of Cosbys exit theme song MP3s Listen Up Theo, a not-safe-for-work House of Cosbys music video Cosby Core tattoo Cosby stencils and graffiti (and more) on Flickr Cosby Show Season 1 was just released on DVD Little Rascals/Bill Cosby urban legend on Snopes The Bill Cosby Fun Game, Cosby goes on a murderous rampage The Pac Man and Cosby Show, a comic apparently made by a blind man using MS Paint
Dear God, this has to stop now.
Last Stand for First Sale
— sewing software publisher threatens woman who tries to sell her legal copy on eBay (via) #
Is MySpace deliberately ugly?
— also, could crappy visual design have contributed to eBay's success? (via) #
I am not responsible for making Google better
— concise counterpoint in the search engine spam debate with some good thoughts in the comments #
China tries to remove Internet icon from Web
— like always, Wikipedia's coverage of Sister Furong is essential #
Bricolage adds support for PHP templating
— the open-source CMS we use at work keeps getting better #
Chris Anderson on "just enough piracy"
— piracy can be useful, and there may be optimal piracy rates for different industries #
Tim O'Reilly responds to accusations of supporting search engine spammers
— thoughtful reply; this is a subtle issue that people are only now becoming aware of #
Leaked info on logging into Google's new Instant Messenger service
— using their Jabber-based IM with your Gmail username #
Dateline tracks down a porn spammer
— odd bit of investigative journalism turns up the owner, web host, and spammer of a bestiality site; Joey has more (via) #
O'Reilly's search engine spam
— read about this on my last day at Foo Camp, but couldn't get a quote from anyone there (via) #
Google running Jabber server, fueling rumors of IM tool announcement on Wednesday
— the domain resolves, too (via) #
Quake III source code released under GPL
— Slashdot thread on the quality of the code with comments by Carmack himself (via) #
Phone pirates in seek and steal mission
— thieves using Bluetooth phones near locked cars to find laptops to steal (via) #
Dick Tracy introduces the bootleg DVD gang
— this storyline is hilarious; Cellphone, Digit, Download, and Miss Laptop! #
Dick Tracy busting DVD pirates in new storyline
— "your living is costing the movie industry five billion a year!" #