Anti-Moore site urging people to download "Fahrenheit 9/11"
— it's a low-quality video, which may encourage more people to pay for it #
Stanford engineer says Orkut code was stolen
— he claims that Orkut borrowed the code from a company they co-founded #
Mark Poyser's Threetwoone Diagrams
— the connections between countries, Wall Street, descendants of Adam, and more (via) #
EFF decides on 10 patents to fight
— they're fighting companies using their unfair patents to sue (via) #
"How to Avoid Flamewars" by Dave Winer
— coming soon: Courtney Love's "Guide to Responsible Parenting" (via) #
New Jersey court says customers may take IP addresses away from ISP
— that's like taking your ZIP code with you when you move #
New Harry Potter book called "The Half Blood Prince"
— from Rowling's official site, more instructions on viewing it #
Universal Studios attraction videos
— one megafan tapes all the rides and shows, back to 1990 (via) #
Fahrenheit 9/11 set to become top-grossing documentary of all time
— Justin Hall posted a good mixed review #
Followup to the "Clueless Childless Couple" story
— Alex does the research, finds it wasn't accurate #