August 2, 2005
WFMU's answer songs roundup with MP3s
— also: don't miss their MP3 Download Dinner Bell for August #
Follow-up on the Aristocrats conspiracy theory
— that settles it; definitely not a Penn Jillette hoax #
Greasemonkey 0.5 beta released
— closes those nasty security holes, and adds some new features too #
Flickr Explore!
— holy crap, this is cool; also, interesting photos in the last 24 hours and clustering for all tags #
Technorati's State of the Blogosphere, August 2005
— 80,000 blogs created daily, blogosphere still doubling every five months #
Mercury News on Bram Cohen and the future of BitTorrent
— evolving from a protocol to a company, they recently met with the MPAA in Burbank #
How many punch cards would it take to fit a 3-minute MP3?
— answer: without error checking, 36,864 cards reading 206 cards per second (via) #
Cory Doctorow on Apple's apparent switch to "Trusted Computing" CPU DRM
— for everything Apple does right, a huge step in the wrong direction #