If you’ve recovered from Thursday night’s Halloween celebrations (we’ll be at the West Hollywood block party), check out Friday evening’s Memefest at the C-Level media space in L.A.’s Chinatown district.
The conference/screening is focused on Internet fads and how/why they propagate, one of my favorite subjects. My close personal friend, freelance writer Dave Cassel of Destinyland and Gettingit, will be presenting along with several other net/art geeks. (I was originally scheduled to speak, but had to back out at the last minute because of prior obligations.) The C-Level guys are very entertaining, so you have my personal guarantee that it won’t suck.
For those that don’t live in Los Angeles, it’s Ambiguously Gay Satan!
Just curious is that a pic of your costume..just teasing..heh
Yep, I’m dressing up as Evil Dom Deluise.
(Who’s that man in that costume?)