LCD, Please for its 10th anniversary, Lukas and Keiko Pope demade "Papers, Please" as a Game & Watch-style LCD game #
Kagi Search Stats the top domains their users block and promote in search results; they really hate Pinterest! (via) #
New Word Order addictive little web game to try to put words/phrases in the order they first appeared (via) #
It’s So Over/We’re So Back Max Read on the bullwhip effect applied to sentiment on social media, wildly swinging with every new update about the room-temp superconductor #
CrowdView search engine that exclusively searches discussion forums (via) #
Attenzione, Pickpocket! the NYT profiles the woman going viral on TikTok for outing pickpockets on the streets of Venice #
identiFIVE incredibly annoying daily puzzle, try to find the only five-letter word in a 9x9 grid of letters (via) #
Human Shader over 1,500 people have manually calculated RGB values to collectively make a shader with human brain power #