The Onion's Random Roles with Teri Garr
— like Random Rules, this format teases out insights and anecdotes from interview subjects #
Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'
— remarkably prescient article from January 2001 #
Jeffrey McManus runs the numbers on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
— Joss Whedon himself confirmed the estimates were close (via) #
Fox News affiliate tries product placement with fake McDonald's iced coffees
— even if it's a morning show, this is a huge credibility hit and creates new conflicts of interest (via) #
GameBridge, Jabber/XMPP bot for Z-Machine, MUSH, and other text games
— nice list of text adventures on the Jabber bot #
43 Folders on iPhone security
— is the time saved for convenience worth the potential hassles of identity theft? #
Baby's First Internet
— "It doesn't matter what you say, just publish it twelve times per day." (via) #
Something Awful tries the 5-minute microwave chocolate cake recipe
— don't miss the handy microwaved huevos rancheros recipe (via) #
Multiplayer Minesweeper
— brilliant collaborative game, but only takes one jackass to ruin everyone's fun (via) #
Jane McGonigal on Werewolf at Foo Camp 2008
— ideal strategies, a sneaky all-villager variation, and the impact of the werewolf metaphor #
Google interviews the creators of WarGames
— great trivia about the making of the film and its impact on tech culture #
Logan Aube's Hockey Night theme
— Something Awful goons tweak an online contest with funny results (via) #
Sean Tevis is running for Kansas State Representative, XKCD-style
— help a computer geek defeat the incumbent, a hard-right, anti-privacy Creationist; he's trying to get 3,000 to donate $9 each #
How to Fake Being a Wine Snob
— there might be supertasters out there, but most people are just faking it #
The Economist responds to Freakonomics co-author's pasty/pastry mixup
— tasty response to this original post (via) #
Mike Arrington interviews Evan Williams at Foo Camp
— great interview; thoughtful questions and brimming with information, without the sensationalism #
Mocha VNC Lite, free VNC client for the iPhone
— link opens in iTunes; like others, I'm hoping an SSH client is next #
Annalee Newitz on Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
— exceeds the hype; the site's been down all day, so I just bought the season in iTunes for $3.99 #
The Sound of Young America Live interviews Ze Frank
— strange interview, but talks about the end of The Show and current projects; see also: Jay Smooth from Ill Doctrine (via) #
Defender of the favicon
— staggering hack puts a playable Defender clone in your browser's 16x16 favicon; Firefox and Opera only #
Deep Note, the Guitar Hero bot
— it got 820k points and 98% playing Through the Fire and Flames; amazingly, some humans can still beat it, for now (via) #
Unofficial RSS feed of newly-added App Store applications
— until Apple adds their own, I've been keeping tabs using this #
Trailer for August, indie drama about the dot-com bubble
— the fictional dot-com is called Land Shark, but they never explain what they do (via) #
Radiohead releases dataset for House of Cards video
— 370MB of CSV point data, Processing code, and a 3D viewer of Thom Yorke's face (via) #
Preview video of's iPhone app
— no scrobbling from your iPod, but an outstanding streaming player (via) #
Ask the Pilot covers his recent experiences with the TSA
— they wouldn't allow a pilot to carry a butter knife used for in-flight meals #
Techcrunch runs the numbers on App Store's first day pre-sales
— sadly, Apple removed the download counts this evening #
Journalist examines America's rail system on an 85-hour trip from NYC to Oakland
— nobody cares about the railroads anymore (via) #
Bush jokes about America's pollution record to G8 world leaders
— "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter!" #
Flickr user hit by lightning while recording a rainstorm
— "because you insisted, here's the unedited screaming version." #
Wall Street Journal on 4chan and YTMND
— coming soon: The Financial Times on Something Awful and Encyclopedia Dramatica (via) #
Snarkmarket on John Culberson, the Twittering Congressman
— agreed, it's inspiring; don't miss the Qik videos #
iTunes 7.7 and iPhone 2.0 software released with App Store update
— browse the App Store after installing iTunes with this link, and download the iPhone 2.0 firmware manually to use them #
Tapulous' Mike Lee on launching three of App Store's biggest releases
— Jobs told the NYT 500 apps will launch tomorrow; 25% are free and one-third are games #
All You Need Is epMotion
— biotech equipment manufacturer tries viral video; amazingly, they're not the first (via) #
Fractal Robots, robots building robots
— recursive fun built with Processing; see also: Screamy Guy's other sketches #