Alex Wright on Paul Otlet and his Mundaneum proto-web
— I adored Alex's talk at SXSW; the video is great #
Spore Creature Creator trial now available for PC/Mac
— there's also an awkward, half-broken Flash site to vote on celebrity Spore creations #
Quirks, the 1980 board-game equivalent of Spore
— see also: Evo, Animality, and other games not to play with Creationists #
MagCloud, magazines printed on demand from PDFs
— Derek Powazek's new venture with HP Labs; upload a PDF and you pick the markup #
Pentadact highlights some Spore Creature Creator creations
— the app was leaked and SomethingAwful's been having fun with it; official trial's out tomorrow #
FlowingData on using RescueTime to stop procrastinating
— the app works perfectly, if you can get past the potential privacy issues #
Montage of girls giving the "Myspace salute" to verify their identity
— Myspace's official policy requires girls to submit visual proof to remove impostors (via) #
Tron Guy on his disappointing nomination for Bravo's A-List Awards
— his category was cut from the broadcast and he lost to Perez Hilton, who didn't even show #
code_swarm, animated visualizations of major open-source projects
— see contributions to Python, Apache, Postgres, and Eclipse over time (via) #
Verizon offers details of Usenet deletion
— not only are they removing alt.* entirely, but they're only keeping seven hierarchies #
Jonathan Coulton's Washy Ad Jeffy
— clever mnemonic for remembering the US presidents with syllables for the number of terms #
Garkov, Garfield plus Markov chains
— reload for more; related: complete dialogue of over 10,000 Garfield strips (via) #
Neave Analglyph, doodle with 3D glasses
— one of seven new Flash hacks on Paul Neave's redesigned site (via) #
The Onion on "World of World of Warcraft"
— play a character playing the game; related: The Sims Playing The Sims (via) #
Phillip Toledano's portraits of Phone Sex Operators
— "things in society that are in plain sight, but still remain hidden" (via) #
Design Patterns for Reputation
— nicely summarized research on feedback and incentives in online communities (via) #
BMW's GINA concept car, with a flexible fabric skin
— if you rip your car, just get it a change of clothes #
Scribbls, very funny drawing community game-thing
— for example, Kitten Bacon, Peace Accord, and many more (via) #
Spammers using pump-and-dump stock spam to short Amazon
— sending out mass emails about their downtime (via) #
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
— inflammatory headline aside, some thoughtful paranoia from Nicholas Carr #
Apple posted video of the WWDC keynote
— don't miss Band at the 40 minute mark; also, Sippey hits the big time showing Six Apart's killer Typepad app (via) #
Live streaming audio of the WWDC keynote
— holding up surprisingly well, better than refreshing MacRumors or Engadget #
Age of Conan griefing fun and games
— some good comments about the ethics of griefing in the comments #
Case study of redesigning the new Wells Fargo ATM user experience
— Pentagram did nice work, though the buttons seem a bit too low contrast (via) #
McDonald's Line Rider commercial
— hard to believe it's real, but multiple confirmations that it's aired on TV (via) #
Every brand and company mentioned in the Sex and the City film
— impossible to tell which were paid placement, but this is an impressive list #
What Newspapers Still Don't Understand About the Web
— great post about the Washington Post being held back by their print editions and mindset (via) #
Radiohead's "Nude" performed by a ZX Spectrum, dot matrix printer, scanner, and hard disk array
— starts at about 1:10; best remix ever #
RepRap prototyping machine achieves self-replication
— it built a child, and the child built a grandchild; more on the project (via) #
Nielsen chart of American video game console usage
— 360 users are most hardcore, playing an average 2.7 hours daily, but everyone else is close #