Wired interviews You've Been Left Behind creator
— he insists the post-Rapture email service is real, and their blog backs up the claim #
Washington Post profiles one superdelegate's experience in the Democratic primaries
— for everyone wondering why many wait to commit, this is some great context #
Gal-Moji, l33t speak for Japanese teen girls
— they use Roman, Arabic, Greek, or Cyrillic letters resembling the Japanese characters #
Vanity Fair's nine-page oral history of the web
— some great quotes from big names, but only scratches the surface; also, I hope they fix the broken MP3 links #
YouTube adds annotations
— for creators only, not commenters; they also upped the video limit to 1024MB, but still only ten minutes #
[k]okogiak announces Boston.com's The Big Picture
— a photo blog featuring huge imagery from the news wire #
"Pork and Beans" acoustic with Tay Zonday
— they're getting quite a bit of mileage out of this shoot #
NYT's ombudsman on their controversial op-ed stating Obama's Christianity was apostasy
— also, wouldn't it be great if every major tech company had a blogging ombudsman? (via) #
Scaring people with Flash's fullScreen
— distracting from the "hit escape" text is surprisingly effective #
Coco Wang's Earthquake Strips
— true, heartbreaking stories from the China quake in comic form (via) #
World Without Oil trailer from 2007
— only a year after the ARG launched, some of its peak-oil predictions already seem understated #
The Sound of Young America interviews comedy legend Jack Handey
— dinosaurs, monsters, and cowboys #
FiveThirtyEight, weighted electoral projections
— from a guy who specializes in baseball stats; looks like a good dashboard (via) #
Danah Boyd's "My Long Lost Handwriting" illustrated
— the artist takes blog entries and turns them into great little comics (via) #
Metagold, a research blog about Nico Nico Douga
— every entry is great; read the intro and YouTube/Nico cultural divide to start #
QR-Code Bots, an army of little men convert your URL into QR
— background; can you tell I've been surfing Japanese blogs today? #
Stitch 2, generate a pixel-art knit cap for purchase
— from Factio, creators of a similar t-shirt widget creator (via) #
Roz Savage's blogging her world record solo trip across the Pacific Ocean
— a compelling read, she'll be the first woman to row the 7,000 miles from the US to Australia #
Hello Windows Hello World, Japanese fan song made from Windows system sounds
— also, a good example of what Nico Nico Douga comments look like #
Wired's self-retrospective on its 15th anniversary
— don't miss the video promos further down the page and photo gallery #
Trailer for Guitar Hero: World Tour on the Nintendo DS
— a terrible use of the license, Activision should be embarrassed #
Add Art, Firefox plugin replaces ads with contemporary art
— built on AdblockPlus, the images rotate every two weeks (via) #
Paper Console, Pong as a choose your own adventure book
— from the creator of Pac-Txt, a Python script that generates an 184-page book (via) #
Tom the Dancing Bug on Disney's eternal copyright
— reminiscent of my own Mickey comic from 2003 (via) #
The Native Faith of Donald
— Japanese insanity is leaking from Nico Nico Douga into YouTube; much more Japanese McDonald's madness #
The eleven-minute Automatic Mario masterpiece
— Super Mario World used as an instrument to accompany anime songs #
Interview with the director of Weezer's "Pork and Beans"
— interviews from the video shoot will be coming soon on their YouTube channel #
Grabb.it TV, the top 20 music videos for every week from MTV to Napster
— brilliant mashup wiring up YouTube and Wikipedia with the Whitburn chart data #
Complete footage of Jason Scott's "Before the LOL" talk at ROFLCon
— whirlwind tour of the evolution of memes from the telegraph and Xeroxlore to modern day (via) #
"Biggest drawing in the world" art project not real
— as suspected, the artist now says it's a work of fiction at the bottom of his site #
The Homebrew Channel, elegant homebrew launcher for the Wii
— new from the creators of the Twilight Hack; don't miss the video (via) #
Google offers permanent hosting for major Ajax libraries
— cached, minified, gzipped and up-to-date versions of jQuery, Prototype, Scriptaculous, and more #
"We Are The World" performed by Japanese celebrity impersonators
— the Cyndi Lauper was pretty impressive #