May 27, 2008
Philipp Lenssen on historical concepts of collective intelligence
— from the noosphere to smart mobs #
Techdirt on Craigslist's ongoing battle with spammers
— what a mess; that blackhat SEO forum is depressing me #
Biggest Drawing in the World
— using a GPS-laden briefcase to draw a self-portrait 69,000 miles long; I'm skeptical, but it's a neat idea (via) #
Weezer's Pork and Beans video is Internet meme madness
— riffs on nearly every major web meme; they even hired Afro-Ninja! #
National poll estimates 18 million Americans have been Rickrolled
— probably higher, since the sample didn't include anyone under 18 #
Cactus. Cactus cactus.
— organized prank calling to a radio show by the PLA, professional trolls (via) #
Guitar Hero hacker plays Smells Like Teen Spirit without game console
— I've seen several mods turning the guitar into an instrument, but never seen a guitar solo on one (via) #
Philipp Lenssen on using hoax news to boost search rankings
— recent story about a teen paying for prostitutes with dad's credit cards was a hoax to boost a finance site's pagerank #
The New York Times' TimesMachine
— back after an aborted launch that I missed out on, this is great archival work #
Jamie Livingston's Photo of the Day
— he shot a Polaroid every day until his death from cancer in 1997 (via) #
Sneak peek at the new redesign
— too early to judge, but a glimpse where they're headed; announcement and more screenshots (via) #
Slow-motion videos of people getting punched in the face
— background on the clips, shot at 1000 frames per second (via) #
Offline Oracle Ouija Board
— summon the Internet spirits with a QWERTY layout and cursor control (via) #
Huntington Hartford, kooky millionaire, dies at 97
— he blew $80 million of his inheritance on crazy schemes like a handwriting institute and automated parking garage #
16% of US science teachers are young-Earth creationists
— they believe humans were created in the last 10,000 years; won't someone think of the children!? (via) #
Chuck Klosterman's list of the most fanatical fanbases
— Tori Amos is at #2, which sounds right to me; nice gallery of uber-fans (via) #
Errol Morris reveals the backstory behind one Abu Ghraib photograph
— fake smiles, Weekend at Bernie's, and the coverup behind a prisoner's death during interrogation #
Rory Root, owner of Berkeley's Comic Relief, dead at 50
— nice tributes from comic greats; the best comic book store I've ever seen, his passion was clear on the shelves #
How to Use Nico Video
— Japanese video site from 2chan's creator requires registration to view videos, so I'm slogging through it #
YouTomb's tracking who ordered YouTube takedowns
— recent takedowns are on the homepage of the MIT project (via) #
Web Trigrams, visualizing three-word phrases from Google's corpus
— gorgeous infoviz; more of his work from the massive dataset (via) #
Drew Burrows' virtual girlfriend in bed, a lonely art installation
— reminds me of Daki Makura hug pillows and bedsheets (via) #
Webmonkey relaunches, again
— this must be the third or fourth time the site's come back from the dead #
Why We Twitter, academic paper from 2007 about microblogging
— nice network analysis and node graphs towards the end; Scoble's tying disparate groups together #
Wired News on the new Soulseek client for jailbroken iPhones
— decent speeds downloading music and it imports into your iPhone music library when done #
"Things Younger Than McCain" creator on the subject of ageism
— unlike sex and race, your age affects your ability to lead see my comments on this issue here #
Let's Write a Song with Rivers Cuomo
— the Weezer frontman's been vlogging on YouTube; the moustache is unnerving #
Joel Johnson's exhaustive roundup of 25 years of "exergaming"
— from the Atari Joyboard to the Wii Fit #
George Lucas wanted Indy IV to be "Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men From Mars"
— the aborted draft by The Fugitive screenwriter made its way online in 2005 #
California Supreme Court overturns gay marriage ban
— systemic discrimination of same-sex couples is unconstitutional, period #
NodeBox, OS X app to create 2D visualizations in Python
— for a more practical example, see Tufte-style charts in 11 lines of Nodebox code #
Cubescape, fun tool for building isometric pixel landscapes
— some nice 8-bit art in the popular section #
Games With A Purpose
— humans playing games to teach computers, from the creator of reCAPTCHA and the ESP Game (via) #