Homer Simpson in CSS, animated
— taking typewriter art to the next level; from the same creator, a portrait of Bush #
Jonathan Coulton performs "First of May"
— take that, Bee Gees; NSFW lyrics, for the sensitive folks (via) #
AT&T wi-fi hotspots now free for iPhone users
— including Starbucks and Barnes & Noble; spoof the iPhone user-agent and it's free from your laptop too #
Mena Trott's Wasted on the Young
— what if first-gen bloggers were vlogging in 1994? this is amazing, I want to see Kottke next #
Leonard's roundup of the best Web 2.0 presentations
— most are now online and it looks like Web 2.0 was much better this year #
Grand Theft Auto IV mocks Flickr and tagging
— there's a parallel-world Internet in the game with hundreds of pages, including parodies like Craplist #
Tresling, Tetris controlled by arm wrestling
— the battling dynamic reminds me of the rare Panic Park gameplay #
Paulville, gated communities for Ron Paul supporters
— no, really, the first one's in West Texas (via) #
Rocketboom's coverage of Before the LOL at ROFLCon
— the history of online memes, back to the late 1800s; and yes, I'm a huge Jason Scott fanboy (via) #
Jason Scott runs the stats on his Goatse hotlinking prank
— he goatse'd 704,000 people last year, which must be some kind of record #
Things I Learned About My Dad (in therapy)
— edited by Dooce, a book of essays with several good friends (and excellent writers) contributing #
Clustarack's impressive Rube Goldberg contraption
— behind the scenes, 180 hours to build the contraption, 98 takes, 30 minutes to restore to initial state (via) #
Antique children's book uses bellows and cones to make sounds
— beats a tinny speaker playing the Dora the Explorer theme for 30 seconds (via) #
Google Maps adds Street View for driving directions
— some clever tips in the video, like checking for toll roads and parking signs #
Robot reassembles itself after being broken apart
— it uses a camera to seek out its missing parts (via) #
WSJ on Miller Brewing's Brew Blog
— a former reporter is scooping other brewers and the trade publications, and both are angry #
Analysis of malware that creates Blogger spam blogs
— using remote CAPTCHA solvers run by the spammers (via) #
Mister Bookseller
— scanlation of a wistful Croation comic about a bookstore with every book in the world, except one (via) #
Gin, Television, and Social Surplus
— transcript of Clay Shirky's excellent keynote from the Web 2.0 Expo; watch it instead (via) #
John Resig on Orto, running Java apps in Javascript
— also, John wrote about another project porting the Ruby virtual machine to JS #
Marc Andreessen's guide to the Microsoft-Yahoo hostile takeover
— the best explanation I've seen (via) #
Howard Rheingold's footage of a WELL meetup from 1989
— everyone's identified in the Boing Boing comments #
Don Hodges fixed the kill screen bug in Pac-Man
— he did the same for Ms. Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, and Donkey Kong, too #
ROFLCon Live Stream
— hear the stories behind popular memes from their creators; see the Tweetscan for more #
Interview with the brains behind 419 Eater
— I had no idea Shiver Metimbers unmasked himself last year #
TypeRacer, multiplayer typing game
— I average about 90 wpm, even with my crazy nontraditional typing style (via) #
The history of NYC in video games
— coming in October, Sierra's Prototype will also attempt to model NYC in exacting detail (via) #
Mixwit, mixtape maker from Y Combinator
— like Muxtape, totally illegal fun; the embeddable players are great #
How Dave Cassel made $900 writing 300 reviews for Helium's Reward-a-Thon
— he churned out at least 120,000 words in 100 days, most likely their biggest earner #
Pirate Bay hits 12 million simultaneous peers
— the percentage of seeders is rising, despite Comcast's efforts #
Superfan blogger visits the set of The Office
— with detailed photos of every character's desk, among other details (via) #
Color Wars Street View Scavenger Hunt
— I'm so impressed with the games they've invented using existing web services #
Mighty God King's Atari 2600 games you might have missed
— Gay French Mario Bros. was a great game (via) #
Human Giant picks the next web-to-TV comedy stars
— sounds about right, but will they need TV, or will TV need them? (via) #
Disturbing video of the Golden Eagle throwing goats off cliffs
— hide your kids! at the five-minute mark, it carries a goat back to its nest #
A Message to Pennsylvanians from Bill Clinton
— brilliant bit of found video courtesy of Josh Marshall #