April 11, 2008
Yahoo! Pipes feed of YouTube channel subscriptions for a user
— YouTube doesn't provide any subscription feeds, but this works perfectly (via) #
Freakonomics guys on the Metafilter vs. YouTube commenters
— it's worth noting that the NYT is cultivating a high level of discourse in their own blog comments (via) #
Winners of Jay Is Games' Casual Gameplay Comp 5
— like always, incredible quality from the vibrant community (via) #
Defective Yeti researches the LOST screenplay profanity
— I thought this was a joke, but I verified it; JJ Abrams has a potty mouth #
IFC/Nerve's Top 50 Comedy Sketches
— there goes my afternoon; strange how it switches between IFC and Nerve on every page (via) #
RSS 2.0 guid is broken by default
— or: why my links were still pointing to Waxy.org until this morning; sorry! #
Hulu posts all three seasons of Arrested Development
— I've really been enjoying Hulu lately; popular episodes today and newly-added feature films (via) #
No Photos on Flickr!
— perfect response to the crybabies, with confused comments from some of them #
Can singing death metal ruin your voice?
— bizarre endoscope footage of people singing, screaming, grunting, and talking like Barry White #
Black & Blue, Quicktime 1.0 sample video from 1992
— the Quicktime development team gets silly, in a decision that still haunts them 15 years later #
Seeing some weirdness in the Waxy.org RSS feed?
— I fixed the bug causing links to point to Waxy.org, but your feedreader needs to refresh the feed first #
Huddle Chat taken offline after cries of plagiarism
— people complained the UI ripped off 37 Signals' Campfire; here's an official response #
Flickr Video's live!
— this group includes some examples, including my son's testimonial and thud! #
Flickr's cheeky acknowledgement of Video support
— Techcrunch jumped the gun, it goes live any minute; it's very different from YouTube and very, very Flickr #
Multiple SIDosis
— innovative split-screen techniques and multitrack recording from the late '60s; high-quality video and backstory (via) #
Twubble, search for people you might know on Twitter
— exceedingly easy to use, but must be hammering the Twitter API #
Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards
— Wilson Miner explains how EveryBlock does it; also, Paul Smith on how/why they rolled their own maps #
Friendfeed's Bret Taylor builds a blog CMS on Google App Engine
— it's amazing how easy it is to get started; Nelson went from zero to app in 30 minutes #
Gamasutra catches GamePro (and others) cribbing data without credit
— entertaining, if only for the spot-the-fake games #
Improv Anywhere's Best Little League Game Ever
— hopefully, they managed to avoid post-gig bitterness #
Pitchfork.tv goes live
— still beta and an awkward UI, but some great exclusive video including the full-length Pixies reunion documentary (via) #
Ten Thousand Cents
— Mechanical Turkers reconstruct a $100 bill using custom drawing tools for 1 cent per drawing (via) #
Imageshack launches free BitTorrent downloading service
— for people who can't run BT or limited by their ISP, this sounds great #
The Making of the Flagpole Sitta lip dub
— Jakob made it look effortless, with quite a bit of planning #
Infochimps, insane collection of open datasets
— subscribe to their blog, which tracks new data as its added #
Charles Manson's 2005 album released under Creative Commons license
— how does a 73-year-old man who's never used a computer hear about CC? (via) #
Adrian Holovaty's jazz acoustic remix of Radiohead's "Nude"
— current ranked #35 out of 423 remixes #
South Park meets the Internet Stars
— takes on Tay Zonday, Tron guy, Chris Crocker, Afro-Ninja, SWK, Dramatic Chipmunk, Numa Numa, and more #
Metafilter roundup of Paul Green's School of Rock videos
— these videos of kids rocking out brings joy into my heart #
Hoefler & Frere-Jones' Estupido Espezial, a joke version of OCR-A with swashes
— even their joke typefaces get them paid (via) #
Guncho, a multiplayer IF system based on Inform 7
— upload Inform code to create realms browsable by multiple people at once #
Dropclock, Mac/Windows screensaver
— lovely slow-motion Helvetica dunking; also: animate movement based on wind activity in your town (via) #
NYT's interactive tribute to the Mad Magazine fold-in
— the full article details Al Jaffee's illustration process #
home.mcom.com is back!
— a perfect snapshot of the Mosaic homepage from October 1994, thanks to JWZ #