The Evolution of Tech Company Logos
— the designer of the first Apple logo gave up 10% of the company for an $800 payout (via) #
Trailer for Blip Festival, the chiptune documentary
— debuting at SXSW Film with a huge chiptune concert? count me in #
Bully for the 360 adds achievement for kissing 20 boys
— very surprising, considering the rampant homophobia on Xbox Live (via) #
Matt Webb on Snap, the syndicated next action pattern
— watch the screencast of Dentrassi, their to-do list that runs entirely in a feed reader #
YouTube removes St. Sanders' "Shreds" account
— word on the street is Yngwie Malmsteen complained about being mocked; parody is protected speech! #
Twitter stats from Superbowl Sunday
— I want a magic CNN-style "Breaking News" on Twitter determined by algorithm; related: Twitterverse #
Groundhog Day screenwriter on the "how long?" question
— he mentions a deleted plot device that would've cleared it up; also: no mention of jwz's post #
7 Viral Videos You Didn't Know Were Staged
— I'm impressed by the research; Cracked is dominated by Digg-bait, but it's adapted well to the current web #
Peter Hirschberg opens the doors to his insane new home arcade
— over a year in the making, he moved it from his basement to a 2,400 square foot building #
Jason Scott's scathing critique of The King of Kong
— a perspective I've never heard, from a well-respected documentary filmmaker on geek subculture #
Eels' 1-second ad for Super Bowl that didn't air
— as E says on their site, the NFL doesn't sell ads in 1-second increments; nice try! (via) #
Why Leonard Lin's Voting for Barack Obama
— see also: eloquent and heartfelt endorsements by Michael Chabon, xkcd, and Larry Lessig; do the right thing, America. #
Arcade Fire's "Black Mirror" DIY remixer
— 6 tracks of vocals and instrumentation to tweak alongside the video (via) #
The Mountain Goats do Super Tuesday
— "And we reach out for the lever in the dark, Get a sticker for our shirts as we head into the sun, Proudly bearing the mark" #
Dan & Kathryn's Apple //c unboxing
— related: another vintage computer fan who bid for the same auction #
Dinosaurs & Robots Dispatch #1
— new digital magazine by Mark Frauenfelder and Mr. Jalopy, powered by Yahoo/Adobe PDF ads (via) #
Jason Scott on maximalized pandas
— my drum kit came from Sweetwater, also wrapped with a handful of candies; I love stories of great service #
Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward on KCRW
— hearing this, I'm even more excited about the She & Him debut #
Twenty-Six Types of Animals
— custom type personifying each animal; sketches of the process on Flickr (via) #
John Gruber's analysis of the Microsoft/Yahoo merger
— best I've seen so far, and not just because he quotes me at the end #
Five subtle changes in the event that Microsoft acquires Yahoo!
— "owing to unavoidable data corruption, all events must be reinstalled monthly" #
Google's Social Graph API
— they're culling FOAF/XFN links from the web; here's an example of passing my FriendFeed URL to their My Connections app (via) #
Mass Games Human Computer
— winning Half Baked idea suggests turning North Korean-style mass displays into human logic gates #
Twitter Down Art Collection
— linking to this only because I love their style; I completely forgive their growing pains (via) #
Improv Everywhere's Frozen Grand Central
— 207 people freeze at the same second and stay still for five full minutes (via) #
Video: Man on the street interviews in Beijing about the U.S. elections
— they know more about us than average Americans know about Chinese politics, but not much more (via) #
Mr. Show's Bob Odenkirk created the "Bird Poops in Newscaster's Mouth" video
— the YouTube video was viewed 1.2 million times, making this a very successful viral hoax #
Adrian Holovaty retires Chicago Crime
— EveryBlock made it redundant, so he's shutting the influential site down #
Jason Kottke liveblogged the Mythbusters "plane on a conveyer belt" episode
— big spoiler warning; literally, a very big spoiler # The Times (UK) spamming social media sites
— including Metafilter, StumbleUpon,, and many more; also: I'm blogging daily on the main site now! #
Tag cloud for the upcoming 2080 State of the Union
— the 2008 tag cloud is slightly more predictable (via) #
Human Tetris
— new video from the same group that made Human Space Invaders, Pole Position, and Pong #
2 Girls 1 Cup, The Sitcom
— from Justin Roiland, the creator of House of Cosbys; warning: offensive language (via) #
Ellen Page and Michael Cera sing a song about Diablo Cody
— if that whole acting thing doesn't work out, they should tour #