Nutshell Nicky Case made a charming little tool for making "expandable explanations" #
New World Unlocked GLASYS drew pixel art frame-by-frame for the first single off his upcoming 8-bit album #
Life on the Internet charmingly naive 13-part TV series from 1996, captures footage of sites that predate the Internet Archive (via) #
Timelooper cooperate with your past selves in this browser game made in three days (via) #
Pass the Wine Joseph's Machines made a Rube Goldberg machine with comic timing #
The Kubrick Times using GPT-3 and DALL-E 2 to make full articles for the future NYT headlines written in 1965 by Kubrick's team for 2001: A Space Odyssey #
MegaPortraits real-time animated avatars made from a single portrait image #
RIP Sockington at his peak, Jason Scott's adorable cat had over 1.5M Twitter followers and was in the top 100 most-followed accounts #
Artbreeder Collage structured image generation with prompts and simple drawing tools (via) #