How a deadly BMW M5 crash affected an online community
— 18-year-old posts thread about high-speed driving, dies in massive wreck later that night #
Edward Tufte sounds like Gene Simmons
— and weirdly, both the Simmons and Tufte links are worth experiencing #
The real history of woot and w00t
— great roundup from a lexicographer on the multiple theories of the word's origins #
Hype Machine's 2007 Music Blog Zeitgeist
— in aggregate, those MP3 bloggers have pretty good taste #
Tweetmeme, tracking link popularity in Twitter
— surprisingly effective, updates every five minutes #
WSJ on Passage, the provocative 5-minute indie game
— I linked to this back on December 7, happy to see it's getting some attention; play it before reading! #
SmugMug's private photos are public
— Philipp interviewed Don MacAskill, who doesn't believe the autoincremented IDs are a problem #
Make3D, convert any photo to a dynamic 3D model
— grab a photo from Flickr and fly around the 3D scene; like Photosynth with a single source (via) #
Geek Entertainment TV covers 20 Goto 10's ANSI art show
— overview of the show including a good 30-second primer on ANSI art #
Arcade at the Movies
— screen caps of real and fictional arcade game cameos from the last four decades of film (via) #
Game Mod workshop asked non-programmers to mod a Breakout clone in Processing
— don't miss the video of the results; the well-documented source is available, too (via) #
The Heavenly Jukebox, excellent Atlantic Monthly article on digital music from 2000
— they lowered their paywall on Tuesday, making thousands of articles free #
Dean Wareham's candid account of his affair with Luna bassist Britta Phillips
— it must be hard for his ex-wife to hear about the new band (via) #
Books That Make You Dumb
— Virgil correlates favorite books to SAT scores per college to find smart/dumb books; don't miss the FAQ (via) #
Nathan Rabin finishes his Year of Flops
— he reviewed 104 films that were critical and/or commercial failures (via) #
Jill Sobule's fundraiser to make her next album
— she hit $28k in a couple weeks; also: she just commented in the Metafilter thread about her #
Maciej Ceglowski on bedbugs and modafinil
— itchy story behind the creation of his Bedbug Registry #
Vampire Weekend on Blogotheque's Take Away Shows
— unfiltered concerts with great bands on the Paris streets; my favorite music series #
Brazilian novelist pirates own books, sees huge increase in sales
— distributes links to pirated copies through an unofficial blog #
MP3: David Lee Roth's isolated vocal track from "Runnin' with the Devil"
— I found myself playing reverse karaoke, humming the guitar parts (via) #
576,000 private Myspace photos leaked to BitTorrent
— an insane 17GB of photos grabbed before they plugged the security hole #
EveryBlock launches!
— wonderful local data/news in a gorgeous design; if you live in SF, Chicago, or NYC, pop in your address and dig around (via) #
Ghostface Killah angry at fans for pirating album
— 115,000 fans on Myspace, but only 35,000 first-week sales #
Hardly Working: Office Fantasy
— Jake and Amir make me laugh, and if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right #
Jason Scott on the outset of editing GET LAMP
— 100 hours of tape in 80 interviews; I've watched some early footage and it's thrilling #
Coachella 2008 lineup announced
— Portishead, Jack Johnson, and Roger Waters get top billing? strange mix #
Skitch goes into public beta
— OSX screenshot app makes blogging images much, much faster; watch the demo (via) #
DJ Shadow says Happy MLK Day
— remix of B-Down Brothers' tribute to MLK from 1986, with a Czech Hall & Oates cover tossed in #
JJ Abrams invited Professor Randy "Last Lecture" Pausch to appear in upcoming Star Trek film
— if you haven't seen either of those talks, watch them immediately #
Joel Johnson talks about AT&T's filtering on AT&T show
— the interview ends abruptly towards the end of the clip #
NYT on campaign reporting with Twitter
— only 97 results for "microjournalism," but the domain's been taken since 1996 (via) #
GameSetWatch on Audiosurf, innovative cross-genre PC game
— puzzle/racing/rhythm game generates 3D playfields from your own music; compare Space Oddity, Mr. Blue Sky, Feist's Inside and Out #
Shot-for-shot remake of Journey's "Separate Ways"
— I recommend watching the two side-by-side (via) #
Flickr's new places.find API method
— pretty rad, allows for free-text searching of their entire place name database #
8080 terminals playing Portal's "Still Alive"
— coded in Assembler with audio from a C-64 SID chip; here's the source (via) #
Crank Dat Soulja Boy, MIT-Style
— featuring Richard Stallman, holding the laptop in the back (via) #
Casual vs. hardcore games on Facebook
— interesting thoughts from a Vampires player in the comments (via) #