Randy Newman's performance at the Apple keynote
— here's the lyrics to A Few Words in Defense of Our Country (via) #
Philipp Lenssen interviews Ruth Kedar, designer of the Google logo
— some older versions in the comments #
Potrzebie System on Google Calculator
— Jeff Atwood has scans of the original article from MAD #33 in 1957 #
Ze Frank on the closing of the ORG community site
— the creator of Zefrank.org shut the invite-only community down on January 1, exactly one year after it opened #
Feltron Annual Report 2007
— like previous years, designer Nicholas Felton presents his life as a corporate report (via) #
Lasagna Cat
— extremely odd real-life reenactments of Garfield comics, from the creator of Ducktales and Infinite Solutions #
Ron the Music Maker, the all-star Scientology album
— let's hope Tom lays down a track along with Chick Corea, John Travolta, Leif Garrett, and Sylvester Stallone's dad #
Nick Denton digs up Tom Cruise's Scientology video
— wisely hosted on Gawker's servers instead of Youtube, so won't be easily taken offline #
xkcd's Robot9000 attacks noise in real-time chat
— a parallel IRC channel only displays lines of conversation that've never been spoken before (via) #
Urban Mapping opens up neighborhood database
— hallelujah, this kind of geo data is so valuable and hard to build on your own; update: Zillow followed suit #
Erica Sadun's song recognition software for the iPhone
— let it listen to music and it'll try to identify the song #
Stupidfilter's random stupid comments
— from a project to programmatically identify stupid web comments using Bayesian filtering (via) #
Music Thing on the "Compendium of Physical Activities"
— playing the accordion is better exercise than "vigorous sexual activity"? #
Elyse Sewell blogs her violent fight with Shins' keyboardist Martin Crandall
— former America's Top Model heads to jail after battle with ex-boyfriend; update: switched to Google cache after she locked the entry #
Army Major Andrew Olmsted's final post
— blogging from the front lines of the war, he was the first casualty of 2008 (via) #
Adam "Everyware" Greenfield self-publishing his new book
— three cheers for cutting out middlemen; pre-orders are now available via Paypal #
Game Innovation Database
— like Ishkur's Guide to Electronic Music, a tremendous resource in an awkward Flash interface (via) #
Flash: Cursor*10
— ingenious game trains you to solve puzzles with multiple versions of yourself (via) #
Scanlation of Shintaro Kago's "Labyrinth"
— NSFW comic about mazes, his work is often grotesque but some of the best comics I've seen (via) #
Alison Jackson's Confidential photo art exhibit
— using celebrity doubles to recreate paparazzi shots that never existed #
Yahoo! Picks of the Week closes after 12 years
— they've maintained the same inoffensive tone since 1995, but it seemed to get better in the last year #
Valve now selling gorgeous Portal shirts
— game-related t-shirts that don't make you look nerdy (via) #
Branscome International's cringe-inducing Pixar knockoffs
— don't miss the trailers for Ratatoing and The Little Cars (via) #
Fret Killer, the mysterious YouTube acoustic guitarist
— in every video, the commenters repeatedly try to identify this relentlessly anonymous performer (via) #
David Cross on accepting the "Alvin and the Chipmunks" role
— I love Patton Oswalt too, but aren't we past accusing people of selling out yet? (via) #
Apple Keynote Index Fund
— Matt Haughey finds out the returns for day trading AAPL during the last ten keynotes #
Steal This Film II released
— free documentary about history of piracy interviews Pirate Bay, Mininova, EFF, MPAA, and others (via) #
Protagonize, community-driven hypertext fiction
— reminds me of Gav and Peloso's interactive story from 1995; Wikipedia has more on the genre (via) #
Danah Boyd on Pew's report on teen use of social media
— some interesting trends, including the bits about low-income blogging #
Matt Webb wraps up 2007
— massive brain dump that extends beyond tech into sociology, ecology, marketing, drugs, and genetics #
Tristan's tech support hell with Palm customer support
— the support tech insisted she was Palm's CEO; contrast with Apple's personal touch #
Snarkout's history of "White Christmas"
— after a full year since his last post, Steve returns with a whirlwind history from Holiday Inn to Black Christmas; merry xmas, everybody! #
— memeorific and sacrilicious "tale of three nerds turning a nativity scene into a LARP battle"; don't miss the video responses (via) #
The Last Man on Earth, full-length film on Archive.org
— 1964 adaptation of Richard Matheson's "I Am Legend" starring Vincent Price as Dr. Will Smith #