December 22, 2007, Perl script to query snowclone variations from Google
— used often here, it also supports searching Yahoo,, Google Groups, Google Blog Search, and Gigablast #
Fake Steve Jobs pranks bloggers with Apple shutdown drama
— update: the references to Tony Clifton and Kaufman are a sly confession #
Hacking an NYC taxi's backseat kiosk
— these things are so irritating, it's nice to see someone find a good use for them #
The Jingler
— turns any MP3 into Christmas music with beat-matched sleigh and jingle bells (and Santa!) (via) #
Meta 419 Scam
— pretends to reach out to victims of Nigerian scams, with a convenient $1M payment (via) #
I Am Legend DVD screener leaked to BitTorrent
— there should be a special name for this time of year, when Oscar screeners flood the net #
xkcd's Randall Munroe speaks at Google
— including an appearance by Donald Knuth and an impromptu stick figure Google logo #
Newspaper accidentally identifies thief on the front page
— photos from two different stories showed the same man painting a storefront and stealing a wallet #
Deciding the Long Bet winner for weblogs vs. the New York Times in Google
— Rogers Cadenhead finds that while blogs beat the NYT, Wikipedia crushed them both (via) #
Best Blogs of 2007 that You Maybe Aren't Reading
— Rex's brilliantly-curated list of new, underrated blogs #
Flash: How is babby formed?
— apparently pretty old, but made me laugh; the original thread on Yahoo! Answers #
NYC's area/code reveals they created Chain Factor
— a wonderfully addictive Flash game, it also acted as a trailhead for a month-long ARG for CBS's Numb3rs (via) #
Long list of 2008's anticipated films
— I'm most excited about Benjamin Buttons, The Box, Be Kind Rewind, Where the Wild Things Are, and Wall-E (via) #
GOOG-411 created to train speech-to-text software
— running the free service to build up a corpus of voices? neat idea, but seems inefficient #
Pitchfork's Top 50 Music Videos
— they include some fan-made videos and this charming cover from a high school trio #
Ryan Barrett's thoughts on SimpleDB
— still catching up from my NYC trip, this was the best writeup I've seen so far #
Anil Dash on Google and the Theory of Mind
— I had dinner with Anil on my first night in NYC last week, and he made me eat pig tails and cow glands; yum! #
Isometric pixel map of Hong Kong
— insanely detailed with some odd photo collage bits; try the highest zoom level (via) #
Raiding the abandoned Sun Microsystems building
— linked from a thread in this wonderful UK urban exploration forum (via) #
Ev's guide to evaluating new product ideas
— for me, "personally compelling" is the only one that matters, since I can't build something I won't use myself #
Dopplr launches publicly at Le Web
— even if you don't travel, it's worth signing up just to experience all the brilliant UI touches #
Pirate Bay launches Music section
— mostly genre browsing, but suggesting torrents based on your listening habits is now feasible #
OptiMap, travelling salesman problem solver using Google Maps
— neat, it supports passing addresses in the querystring; the methodology, for the curious #
Aquaria finally released!
— gorgeous underwater side-scroller won the grand prize at IGF; watch the movies (via) #
End of an era as New York Times closes recording room
— NYT reporters tell their own stories in the comments #
Richard Beymer's Twin Peaks photos
— taken on the set of the final episode by the actor who played Benjamin Horne (via) #
Rails 2.0 released
— multiviews, moving towards REST over SOAP, and better native security and performance #
James Kochalka's American Elf is now free!
— he's been drawing a comic nearly every day since May 2002; highly recommended (via) #
RPS reviews Passage, an pixel art maze game about death
— can a game that's only five minutes long make you sad? surprisingly, yes #
Google release chart image generator
— 50,000 images a day? I'd definitely use this for smaller projects #
Inside the "Ron Paul" Spam Botnet
— doesn't explain who paid to send the spams, but a great glimpse into how spambots operate (via) #
Kristin Hersh's thoughts on sustainability
— "You don't have to suck in order to work here, but it helps." #
Kleptones releases "Live’r Than You’ll Ever Be"
— a nonstop mix of greatest hits from a concert earlier this year, with some new songs too! #
Emerging Tech 2008 program announced
— definitely a welcome move away from NowTech and back to its roots (via) #
n+1 Magazine's long profile of Gawker
— the essay that kicked off the editorial shakeup there, but didn't cause it (via) #
Flickr adds photo editing tools
— partnered with Picnik, it's seamless and handles 90% of what I use Photoshop for #
Kristin Hersh on CASH Music
— with subscription and patronage benefits, artists like Kristin can stay independent forever, as long as they have dedicated fans #
IRSeek IRC search engine shuts down after user backlash
— using non-obvious bot names and using Tor to hide the IP addresses was very dumb (via) #
Said the Gramaphone on Brooklyn band Vampire Weekend
— refreshing sound, Sean nails it as Spoon meets Paul Simon's "Graceland" #
Six Apart sells Livejournal to Russian media company
— I guess that answers the question about how Vox fits with Livejournal (via) #
Google bans ads for paid link sellers
— finally! taking money from spammers while banning them from the index was hypocritical #