December 1, 2007
Square America's The Party
— some photos are NSFW; don't miss the other exhibitions and the wonderful blog (via) #
Airball, an unreleased NES game, now available for sale
— new games for dead systems make me happy; see the detailed review with video (via) #
Tay Zonday promotes Dr. Pepper with "Cherry Chocolate Rain"
— strangely depressing, but I guess it's better than William Hung's commercial (via) #
Google tests thumbs-up voting on search results
— no social feedback, but retains your setting across searches for the same terms (via) #
PayPerPost's bloggers ask if the marketplace is dying
— the PPP forums are fascinating right now, seeing how the community responds as the business collapses around them #
Technical overview of how the Facebook Beacon works
— this could have been fun and useful, if it was only opt-in on a site-by-site basis (via) #
Gamespot reviews Deal or No Deal for the Nintendo DS
— problems with the randomizer make this the worst game released this year #
What the Google Intranet Looks Like
— to compare, I found recent intranet screenshots for Yahoo! and Microsoft #
Sleater-Kinney's Carrie Brownstein compares real bands to Rock Band
— she continues the discussion on her own blog (via) #
Video: Gay bashing in Halo 3
— warning, offensive audio; very upsetting to hear, but not at all surprising (via) #
Undercover restorers fix Paris landmark's clock
— the same group responsible for the secret cinema and bar built in a cavern under Paris #
Desert Bus for Hope hits $20,000 raised for Child's Play
— they've been playing the world's most tedious game on live cameras for four days straight #
So You Want to be An Arcade Champion?
— one man's quest to play all 4,000 games in the Twin Galaxies world records book alphabetically #
Managing RSS feeds with better groups
— funny, this is almost exactly the way I organize my feeds in Google Reader #
ROFLCon's Guest List status report
— shaping up to be one of the strangest conventions of all time #
Fray relaunches as a quarterly printed book
— the original community for personal storytelling comes back after two years of hiatus #
Ze Frank on feeling uninspired
— "let's not wait for inspiration, but let's be ready for it when it comes" #
Gameplay footage from The Act, cancelled coin-op game
— the unusual game used cel-style animation and a knob to control the character's mood from serious to silly (via) #
LucasArts game engine ported to iPhone
— all their classic adventure games running full-speed with multitouch control #
Desert Bus for Hope hits $11,000 and 98 hours
— now in its 66th hour of gameplay, Penn & Teller donated $1,500 and bought them sandwiches; more on the game #
Video: Music Animation Machine plays Gradius, Dr. Mario, Donkey Kong, and more
— images from classic video games play their own themes using MIDI visualization; more background (via) #
Food Pairing
— tool to inspire creative cooking using the flavor components of 250 different ingredients (via) #
PickyPirate, a Metacritic-BitTorrent mashup
— finding the best-rated media on popular torrent sites (via) #
Video: Grickle's Closet
— I don't know why I find Graham Annable's animations so funny, but I do; see also: The Last Duet on Earth #
Flickr's second billion took three months
— absolutely insane growth, though slightly skewed by the one-time Yahoo Photos user migration? (via) #
Flickr launches Places and redesigned map views
— big congrats to Rev. Dan, Kellan, and the rest of the flickr crüe #
Mark Pilgrim's The Future of Reading
— I wish they'd modeled the Kindle after their excellent MP3 store instead of bowing to paranoid publishers #
Google Maps adds collaborative map editing
— fix address and Street View locations while retaining original locations (via) #
Harry Potter and the Order of Typography
— Jon Hicks highlights the typeface selection in a lovely slideshow (via) #
Katamari creator previews new game, Noby Noby Boy
— the gameplay video shows off the stretching dynamic, combined with eating and expelling barnyard animals; whee! #
Jonathan Coulton performs "Portal" live
— better than other shakycam versions, but the guy with the cake is scaring me #
Video: Twitter helps solve a murder on CSI
— both usernames were registered shortly after it aired #
Half-Life 2 Episode 2 statistics
— this kind of communal feedback is fascinating for players, but invaluable for developers (via) #
You gonna light that pipe?
— Jim Treacher takes on a three-panel comic from a "write this comic" contest #
Interactive Fiction Comp '08 results announced
— download them all; read Emily Short's review of Lost Pig, the winner #
Catching Up with an Aqua Teen Terrorist
— R.U. Sirius interviews Peter Berdovsky about hairstyles from the 1970s #