GameSetWatch on the extremely meta Game Center CX
— a Nintendo DS game about playing retro games, based on a Japanese TV show about playing retro games (via) #
Ian Rogers' 1994 zine about Sly and the Family Stone
— a loving tribute from a man who really loves his music #
Peter Rojas' RCRD LBL goes live
— exclusive DRM-free music from their own new label and partnering with like-minded labels on a daily MP3 blog #
ASCII rave in Haskell
— creating music by typing text into a "broken" speech synthesizer; another video (via) #
Prince sends DMCA notices to b3ta users for Photoshopping contest
— this is just idiotic (sorry, Anil!) #
Prince of Persia butchered in "Life" TV show
— laughably bad portrayal of technology, including Excel spreadsheets hidden in the 10th level of the game (via) #
Announcement: I'm leaving Upcoming to work on full-time!
— a friend said I should cross-post this to Waxy Links since they didn't see the main blog post #
Smoking Gun uncovers David Bowie's 1976 mugshot
— the only guy that could make a mugshot look like a high fashion photo shoot #
Elvis Costello reunites with Clover to perform "My Aim Is True" live, tonight
— I'm insanely giddy about this; I'll be in line for the late show at 7:30pm if anyone wants to say hi (via) #
Homebrew version of The Last Starfighter
— they developed a working version of the nonexistent game from the film #
Tim O'Reilly on Open Social and Facebook
— he nicely articulates why both fall short, while reframing the problem with a solid prediction #
FoxDiff, tracking diffs in headlines
— biases aside, it's fun simply to watch a newsroom making slight changes over time #
Google's OpenSocial API docs go live
— the Orkut sandbox is moderated, so Plaxo Pulse is the only live implementation so far #
Tumblr 3.0 launches with a zillion new features and improvements
— including privacy, hosted MP3s, video through Vimeo, and investors #
Mythbusters to test "plane on conveyer belt" riddle on December 12 episode
— using an Ultralight plane and a quarter-mile conveyor belt #
Marc Andreessen on Open Social
— the post-dated press release offers more info, with URLs that aren't live yet #
Ben Brown on Consumating's ill-fated points system
— aligning desired behaviors with point rewards is difficult to do and has unintended consequences (via) #
Anil Dash comments on Apple's jab at Windows users
— he calls them out for arrogance and inaccuracy #
Jenn Frank on Arcade Attack
— insane 1982 "documentary" about pinball versus videogames, with video #
The Tall Stump
— first place and audience winner of the 4th Casual Gameplay Game Design competition #
Apple left the Blue Screen of Death easter egg in Leopard's final release
— I'd seen this in the alphas, but I'm impressed they kept it in #
The Superest
— two artists compete by drawing superheroes that cancel out the power of their opponent's previous hero (via) #
Shintaro Kago's brain-damaged manga, lovingly translated
— NSFW for sex and violence, but don't let that stop you; it's a fascinating deconstruction of comic form (via) #
Vented Spleen's comic about living with Crohn's disease
— one of the best 24 Hour Comic Day comics I've ever seen (via) #
Matt Haughey on classical as the future of music
— related: Alex Ross in the New Yorker on the rise of classical music online #
Little People art installation at the Nuart
— when I first saw it, I thought they were tilt-shift photos; more on his Flickr page #
Interactive Fiction Database
— newly launched, including community moderation tools, recommendations, and a browser plugin for launching games (via) #
How Dopplr generates colors for every city
— it's lovely bits like this that make Dopplr so great (via) #
DJ Rupture defends OiNK in wake of its shutdown
— he found his entire discography traded online, but found it reassuring #
Nelson Minar on Techcrunch's misuse of "off the record" sources
— "you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means" #
Video: BBC report on the OiNK raid
— inaccurate, but interesting; nobody paid subscription fees, and voluntary donations covered costs #
MTV interviews Jonathan Coulton about Portal song
— interesting trivia: Valve had the option of using Ben Folds, but went with Jon #
Wired's How Manga Conquered the U.S. mini-comic
— 10-page PDF, start from the last page and work your way back (via) #
OiNK shut down, 24-year-old creator arrested
— very sad, it was one of the strongest online communities; also, saying it's "lucrative" is a flat-out lie #