David Weinberger debates Andrew "The Cult of the Amateur" Keen
— Weinberger smacks down Keen's inane argument that the social web is making us illiterate #
Video: Echochrome gameplay footage
— looks like a playable version of Escher's Relativity; see also: Portal #
Using your Apple IIe as a Linux terminal
— detailed instructions and fun photos; or, if you prefer, hook it up to your Mac #
DEC's Glimpse of the Future from 1994
— marketing video pitching the very early Web to businesses; tons of vintage screen capture goodness #
Eyes Wide Shut in 1947 Life Magazine
— Life Magazine asked comics artists to draw their iconic characters blindfolded (via) #
Vanity Fair's long oral history of The Simpsons
— they interviewed Rupert Murdoch, Art Spiegelman, Barry Diller, Brad Bird, Ricky Gervais, and others (via) #
Telekinesis, an open-source iPhone remote
— remote desktop, streaming video, and application server, all running in iPhone's Safari #
iPhone Dev Wiki crew releases iPhoneInterface tool
— they've figured out a way to start arbitrary services and move files around #
When They Started Hating You
— Jason Scott on the history of user-aggressive software, from BBS crippleware to P2P adware #
Adrian Holovaty releases templatemaker, a Python library for smart screen scraping
— given a large set of HTML documents, intelligently extracts the strings that change between them #
Fake Steve Jobs on the music industry
— fake or not, this is great commentary on the Universal Music pullout from iTunes (via) #
Gnome corpses used to spam World of Warcraft players
— "corpse graffiti" sounds like a made-up Jargon Watch entry #
White Glove Tracking project is done
— as promised, the data and visualizations have been released (via) #
DVD Jon breaks iPhone activation
— I love that guy; also, the iPhone dev crew just released their own tool #
Poetry written in Inform 7
— the interactive fiction language is particularly well-suited to poetry and prose; more here #
NYT on the attention to culinary detail in "Ratatouille"
— including Thomas Keller's ratatouille recipe for the film's final meal (via) #
Google criticizing Michael Moore's Sicko
— hey, medical industry! counter the bad press with some Google ads! #
Scott Beale's video of Larry Page's helicopter landing from Foo Camp
— the Google founder/icon landed on the O'Reilly campus backyard on Saturday #
Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace
— Danah Boyd breaks down the migration of preppy white kids to Facebook #
Good Copy Bad Copy
— freely-available film about the role of copyright in global culture; watch now or read a review by Jason Scott #
Michael Moore's Sicko on Google Video
— the Nixon and Reagan audio footage is brilliant; updated again: try here (via) #
Zork 1 forum on Idle Thumbs
— collectively playing text adventures with Ziggy, a Z-Machine interpreter hooked into a message board #
Cult of the Bound Variable
— insanely brilliant and deep programming contest in the form of an adventure game; read the solution to understand just how deep it goes #
Tim Knowles' Tree Drawings
— the photos of the trees drawing are as inspired as the artwork itself #
Engadget's live coverage of Steve Jobs WWDC keynote
— by far the best coverage, with tons of pictures and readable updates #
Video: Sin City Breakfast Tacos
— Robert Rodriguez is a very talented man; see also: Cooking with Rockstars #
— Machine Project offering a beginner's programming workshop using LOLCODE; and yes, I lied #
GHATS fixes Google Street View privacy by adding hats and moustaches to every face
— just a joke, but here's some serious Street View hacking from WhereCamp #
Human Giant using Twitter at the MTV Movie Awards
— Twitter is getting prominent mentions throughout the pre-show broadcast #