April 27, 2007
Acme Novelty Toy Gallery
— Niem's putting together Chris Ware papercraft, so you don't have to (via) #
Tim O'Reilly's thoughtful article on the Alexaholic lawsuit
— don't miss Ron Hornbaker's comment in the thread #
Upcoming drops the ".org" with new redesign
— biggest changes ever; full geo database, visual redesign, switch to Yahoo IDs, and more #
Ben Brown leaves CNET and Consumating
— couple weeks old, but news to me; who's next? three makes a trend (via) #
Forbes Magazine's mesothelioma search engine spam
— amazingly bad; stumbled on this from a comment on Matt Cutts' blog #
The Shins busk in Montmartre, Paris
— impromptu live performances by great bands, recorded in one long shot (via) #
PeaceMaker, game simulating the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
— here's a detailed review from Gamasutra (via) #
5 Question Interview with Twitter Developer Alex Payne
— a cautionary tale about Rails from its biggest user (via) #
Google Answers takes entire archive offline
— it was down 16 hours, but they fixed the bug and it's back! yay! #
Justin.tv got lucky last night while 3,000 watched
— a classy guy, Justin left the HatCam in the kitchen while his buddies dubbed in a porn soundtrack #
Twitter and Jott Vulnerable to SMS and Caller ID Spoofing
— all it requires is knowing the Twitter user's cell phone number #
Think Before You Post
— PSAs targeting kids that are too comfortable exposing their personal lives online #
'B.C.' cartoonist Johnny Hart dies at 76
— it's too bad he'll most often be remembered by his controversial religious strips (via) #
Video: Christoper Walken wants to destroy Silicon Valley
— just like today, the office parks don't make a memorable vista (via) #
Virtuoso violinist Joshua Bell poses as D.C. subway busker
— Washington Post poses and records an experiment in art out of context (via) #
No One Belongs Here More Than You
— Miranda July's extremely creative website for her new book (via) #
TMNT co-creator sells original art for issue #1 on eBay for $250k
— Eastman sold IP rights to TMNT in 2000; I stumbled on the auction while browsing the most expensive completed comic auctions #
The Mile High Collection
— amazing (and long) story of the "greatest comic book collection ever found" #
Video: The Most Hated Family in America
— Louis Theroux's BBC documentary on the Fred Phelps family, warning: hateful language (via) #
Video: Alanis Morissette covers "My Humps"
— classy, but I think I still prefer Dogwelder's version (via) #
Techcrunch acquires FuckedCompany
— hedging bets by covering both the rise and fall of startups; if it's an April 1 joke, it really shouldn't be #
Justin.tv hits the front page of the SF Chronicle
— watching the cam right now is very meta, as he walks around SF with people recognizing him #
All (known) Bodies in the Solar System Larger than 200 Miles in Diameter
— like the MegaPenny Project for celestial bodies #
This American Life's first TV episode in its entirety
— yay! plus, the newly redesigned TAL website (via) #
Playing from the Other Side: the Discomfort of Militainment Avatars
— great stuff, including an Iraq vet who refuses to play for the insurgents and an insane FPS published by Hezbollah #
The 'I Heart Huckabees' Outtakes
— David O. Russell and Lily Tomlin go completely unhinged; NSFW language #