The 'I Heart Huckabees' Outtakes
— David O. Russell and Lily Tomlin go completely unhinged; NSFW language #
Understanding Avatars in Games and Social Media
— great reading with many visual examples; Gordon's been on a tear post-SXSW #
Letterhead Fonts embrace DRM with disastrous results
— the foundry that made the logotype goes to the dark side #
Video: Chris Ware animation for Showtime's This American Life
— wonderful story about how make-believe cameras changed an elementary school playground (via) #
A Conversation at the Grownup Table, as Imagined at the Kids' Table
— "Pass the wine, please. I want to become crazy." (via) #
Handy list of TLD meanings, prices, and registrars
— correction: Thailand charges 2505 Baht for .th domains, not USD (via) #
Khoi Vinh's "Grids are Good" presentation and slides
— however you feel about his design, this is a must-read #
Delutube, the Deleted YouTube Video Viewer
— deleted videos apparently remain on YouTube servers, for the moment (via) #
How Zug Hacked the Super Bowl
— John Hargrave and Rob Cockerham are my idols; unfortunately, unreadable (via) #
DMCA Abuser Apologizes for Takedown Campaign
— the apology video is enjoyable; here's hoping he disappears for a while #
Girl Talk, DJ Drama, and mashups discussed on floor of Congress
— Congressman Doyle rocks the House (via) #
Waxy and go to SXSW Interactive
— if you're going, come to the Yahoo! BarTab party and say hi #
Top 100 most-viewed pages on Wikipedia
— funny to see Heroes, Lost, and the Battle of Thermopylae appear; the latter because of 300 #
Khoi Vinh, Zeldman, and Greg Storey join the Deck
— yay! three of my all-time favs join the little ad network that could #
This American Life's Ira Glass on storytelling
— with tips specifically for vlogs, but applies to anyone who does presentations of any kind #
Yahoo! Answers adds friend network
— seeing questions and answers from friends is wonderful, but there's no way to search for people #
Apple: America's best retailer
— history of the Apple stores, and the fun factoid that Apple makes more per square foot than Tiffany's #
Scribd, like YouTube for documents
— Jason Scott, who runs a massive document archive himself, comments on the ethics of Scribd #
Video: Hands-on demo for Little Big Planet for the PS3
— don't miss this; deeply innovative and quirky toy/game, possibly worth buying a PS3 for (via) #
Details on PS3 Home, their MMO world with media sharing
— watch the video; I'm looking forward to communal viewings of bootleg TV shows #
Zelda Music of Golden Proportions
— what do the Legend of Zelda theme and the Fibonacci sequence have in common? #
Matt Haughey interviews Mythbusters' Adam Savage
— an interesting glimpse into how Ask Metafilter influenced Mythbusters in their upcoming episode #
The Power (and Peril) of Praising Your Kids
— it's amazing how something can make so much sense, but feel so wrong (via) #
Items on that you cannot (or at least should not) buy
— dark, unswept corners of a giant store #
Silent Air Guitar Challenge Deathmatch
— if Micki Krimmel's Smells Like Vlog Spirit doesn't win, something's wrong with this world #
How the world really shapes up
— cartogram maps with countries distorted to reflect certain statistics #
Video: Here Come the Emos
— North Dakota local news hilariously takes online emo parodies seriously #
Bizarre Virus Threatens to Kill File-Sharers
— might be worth it just to hear a "song about fish-shaped pancakes stuffed with jam" #
Video: Background ephemera from "Children of Men"
— including commercials, billboards, and interface design (via) #