February 27, 2007
Ning relaunches with new focus
— "Clone this app" replaced by "Create your own social network"; watch Gina's demo (via) #
54 of Pitchfork's 100 Awesome Music Videos were removed from YouTube
— as Rex notes, everyone loses here #
Six cool things you can build with OpenID
— great list; the biggest hurdle is getting developers to understand what OpenID isn't #
Video: Teaser trailer for This American Life, the TV show
— my favorite radio show comes to Showtime, premiering March 22 #
New Barenaked Ladies video stars YouTube celebs
— I must be an addict; I recognized all but one person (via) #
Matt and Jessamyn launch a weekly Metafilter podcast
— I'm interested in the potential impact of this as a reinforcement for good behavior #
Omninerd on the accuracy of Internet weather forecasts
— tracking a month of weather predictions on the top 10 weather sites #
Uniqlo Explorer
— insane Flash photo mosaic work; click the "Uniqlo Explorer" box and start clicking around #
Macrochan, the 4chan image browser
— culls and tags meme images from 4chan forums; beware, some tags very NSFW #
Jason Scott on Computer Camps in the 1980s
— Computer Tutor sounds like heaven on earth; many similar camps continue today, but avoid this one #
Video of 12,000 foot skydiver accident and post-landing interview
— hit the ground at 80 miles an hour and survived, with cameras recording everything from two angles #
Video: Osama Team Hunger Force
— "we will disrupt their workday with a mildly offensive blinking neon light!" (via) #
Schwarzenegger & Chan Terminate Piracy
— I don't know how I missed this PSA, mentioned in the Vanity Fair article #
You've Ruined Everything
— Jason Scott's archetypes for online community members and the critical events that shape it #
WFMU's Ten Albums in Ten Minutes contest
— don't miss Nevermind on 45; see also: Sixty-Second Song Remixes #
Guitar Hero coming to the Wii
— I think Guitar Hero DS would be funny; see also: M-06, the Nintendo DS guitar #
Outstanding Metatalk post from a former engineer at Data General
— also news to me from that thread, Jessamyn is the daughter of Tom West (via) #
Gizmodo's Superbowl ad roundup
— Robert Goulet and Mr. Turkey Neck were my personal favorites, but overall, nothing too exciting #
Cyclowiz, the first real Nintendo Wii modchip, hits market
— here's a video of the installation process #
Waiters Who Are Nauseated by Food
— Carell and Colbert from the underrated Dana Carvey Show, which also had Robert Smigel and Charlie Kaufman as writers #
Video: David Sedaris on the Stadium Pal
— the testimonials have many happy NASCAR fans; see also: the Beerbelly #
Boston ad prank suspects talk about hair
— best press conference ever; is it somehow illegal to create LED displays in public? #
Boston police overreact to Aqua Teen promotional LED throwies
— a Flickr user took one of the "suspicious objects" home (via) #
Flickr announces March 15 deadline for switching to Yahoo IDs
— the backlash has been fierce; Stewart and clan have been responding throughout #
Midomi, music search using your own voice
— incredibly, it worked for all three songs I belted out #
Teriyaki Boyz video parodies YouTube
— I highly second the Rip Slyme and "Beef or Chicken" recommendations #
Mapping New Testament Social Networks
— from the guys who did the Mechanical Turk bible quote database #
SF Chronicle starts podcasting voicemails from angry readers
— "pilotless airplane! pilotless airplane! drone, drone, drone!" #
In My Language, autistic woman speaks her native language and translates into ours
— she responds in the comments; this instantly changed my perception of the world #