December 13, 2006
Honan fact-checks the supposed iTunes collapse
— then again, the original article cited was by Orlowski #
i'm going to live forever
— Leslie founded Smug and Hoopla, among other, writings; Zeldman interviewed her in 2001, which only hints at the depth of her contributions online #
Money circulation science using Where's George data
— here's the Nature article with some interesting info vis #
Charlie Brown Christmas performed by the cast of Scrubs
— with all new dialogue read by the actual actors; some backstory #
iFilm legally showing Comedy Central clips
— welcome to the new networks; Daily Show and Colbert Report updated nightly #
Wife, daughters of missing CNET editor found alive
— James Kim is still missing, but this is amazing news #
eBoy's FooBar poster
— view larger; spot the logos for 43 Folders, Laughing Squid, Rollyo, Newsvine, Feedburner, and tons more #
NPR's Morning Edition on Vince Guaraldi's "Charlie Brown Christmas" soundtrack
— CBS hated the use of jazz, ordinary kids, and the central themes of materialism and faith #
Russia agrees to shutter at U.S. request
— frankly, I'm surprised they lasted this long #
Tristan Lewis on the relaunch of
— he worked on the original site and has an interesting insider view of the original's failure #
Video: Children of Men trailer
— I guess that means a Y: The Last Man adaptation won't be happening soon #
Kubick audition Brian Atene returns, for real this time
— skip straight to 1:45; Atene claims the original audition was never actually sent in (via) #
Reports of Wii injuries rolling in
— Nintendo anticipated this by placing obvious warnings and reminders in the games #
Google Earth team asks Gaia team to shut down project
— finally, a human face behind the C&D, instead of nastygram lawyerbots #
'Pump-and-Dump' Spam Surge Linked to Russian Bot Herders
— behind the recent surge of Captcha-like image spam (via) #
Inside World of Warcraft gold farms
— new documentary explores the half million Chinese making their living earning virtual currency (via) #
Make's Open Source Gift Guide
— incredible resource; you could spend weeks exploring any one of these projects #
2006 Interactive Fiction Comp winners announced
— detailed reviews of every entry linked in the comments #
The Secret World of Lonelygirl
— Wired Magazine's late profile of the Lonelygirl fad is still an interesting read, with new details of the beginning #
Rex Sorgatz begins his 2006 List of Lists
— as always, this will become the ultimate source for year-end best-of lists over the next six weeks #
Using Amazon EC2 for on-demand multiplayer game servers
— EC2 enables all sorts of interesting niche businesses (via) #