homecoming.diary bizarre TikTok account demonstrating dozens of hyper-specific gadgets in each video, "if Shein was a house" #
Wiki History Game try to drag Wikipedia articles into chronological order, my best streak is 12 (via) #
minimator minimalist editor for drawing only straight lines and semicircles, like Hundred Rabbits' Dotgrid #
tahti.studio "a groovebox for the browser" built with SOUL, an open-source language for audio coding (via) #
The rise and ruin of Couchsurfing long piece on their shift from a co-op to corporation, losing control after taking funding, and a clumsy paywall rollout in 2020 #
Public Domain Day 2022 roundup of works that entered the public domain on January 1, including A. A. Milne’s Winnie-the-Pooh (via) #
Busy Simulator turning all these on at once is nerve-wracking #
Doja Code Girls Who Code made an interactive Doja Cat music video for young coders with editable CSS/JS/Python values (via) #
WeirdSpot generate Spotify playlists that spell out sentences using song titles (via) #