Waxy Links Statistics

Occasionally, I get people asking me how I find good Waxy Links… Well, since MovableType stores everything in MySQL, it was simple to write a few queries to crunch my statistics.

So, here are some Waxy Links statistics, with a breakdown of my top 100 sources since I started including “via” source attribution in March 2004. Note that I’m grouping my top-level domain, which explains why Del.icio.us is firmly on top. (The Del.icio.us homepage, individual Inboxes, and Most Popular page all get lumped together into one record.)

Not surprisingly, this is a representative list of many of my favorite weblogs. Lots of great underdog bloggers in here, like Simon Carless (listed as “mono211.com”), Jason Cosper, Nelson Minar, Brett O’Connor’s Negatendo, Phillip Lennsen, and many more.

I’ve also included a breakdown of link activity over time, the busiest link days of all-time, and my link history by weekday. It looks like I peaked last summer, with a record total of 37 links in a single day! My posting activity slowed a bit during the fall and winter as deadlines at work started picking up. Not surprisingly, Mondays are the busiest days, but I was surprised to see links slow down throughout the rest of the week.

There are some main Waxy.org stats, as well. The most-commented entries, my complete posting history by month, and spam comment denials from MT-Blacklist.

Guardian Angel bags handbags built with the outline of a gun or knife; laptop bags with the outline of groceries (via) #
TowerSeek a prototype BitTorrent search crawler, with estimated speeds and file listings (via) #