Google Code just announced, centralizes their open-source projects and APIs #
Pimp my Shuffle hacking an iPod shuffle into a pair of headphones (via) #
Goombah Mac app to provide music recommendations by comparing available iTunes shares; uses BitTorrent to transfer profile info around (via) #
Clocky an alarm clock that hides from you every day after hitting snooze (via) #
Yahoo 360° beta Yahoo's entry into the blog and social networking market, without Flickr or Six Apart? (via) #
GoogleX Google's silly little tribute to OS X (via) #

ETech 2005

Next week, I’ll be at the Emerging Technology conference in San Diego. I don’t usually go to conferences (too expensive, and I’m too cheap), but I was offered a free guest pass by Cory Doctorow. Humbled and honored in a very big way.

Many people I know opted to attend SXSW Interactive this year, but the SXSW panels seem to cover well-trod territory (e.g. blogging as journalism, commercial blogging, CSS hacks, online community, moblogging, podcasts, etc). Despite the great people in Austin, I think the better presentations will be in San Diego.

Looking at the list of sessions, I’m absolutely giddy. The creators and founders of amazing web applications like Flickr, 43 Things,, Wikipedia, Typepad, Bloglines and Basecamp will all be talking about their experiences, as well as inspiring folks like Cory, Larry Lessig, Chris Anderson, Ev Williams, Merlin Mann, Danny O’Brien, and James Surowiecki.

Anyway, I can’t wait. If you’re attending ETech, be sure to find me and say hello.

Web of Letters generates an alphabet using Yahoo's image search API #