Three years ago, my wife Ami designed and developed her first game, a charming conversational card game called You Think You Know Me, which went on to sell over 9,000 copies around the world and now close to selling out its second print run.
I loved helping out with the package and card design for You Think You Know Me, a return to my pre-web career in desktop publishing and print production, as well as making the official homepage to support it. (The cards are all CSS!)
The followup to her first game is Flatter Me, a new game where you compete with friends to give compliments, with rules similar to the classic card game of War. It takes literally seconds to learn, explained in full in the project video below.
Each of the 250 cards have a unique compliment on them, which you can give away as little tokens of affection.
Once again, I helped out with the packaging and card designs, and if it hits its goal, you can expect to see a site at once it’s officially on sale.

I know I’m biased, but Ami’s games have a gentle sweetness that really resonates with me. They’re all designed to bring people together, whether it’s by learning more about people you love or simply by telling them how much they mean to you.
Her games have rules and win conditions like any other card game, but they’re so quick and easy to understand that they become a convenient framework to enrich the connections between friends, family, and partners.
Flatter Me is now funding on Kickstarter, currently at 95% funded (!) with three days to go, and I’d love it if you checked it out or helped spread the word. Thanks!
$12,191 pledged of $12,000 goal. Congrats!
Thanks, Philipp!